On Sun, Jul 21, 2002 at 02:05:42PM +0000, s. payrard @ wanadoo. fr wrote:
> # New Ticket Created by  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> # Please include the string:  [perl #15267]
> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
> # <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=15267 >
> This seems a symptom of a bigger problem.
> include/parrot/interpreter.h has the following typedef:
>   typedef struct Parrot_Interp *Parrot_Interp;
> It works in C but breaks in C++ (using g++-3.1) as demonstrated
> by the breakage of example/pxs:
> ..../../include/parrot/interpreter.h:32: conflicting types for `typedef struct 
> ..../../include/parrot/interpreter.h:30: previous declaration as `struct 
> In file included from ../../include/parrot/interpreter.h:44,
>                  from ../../include/parrot/parrot.h:114,
>                  from ../../include/parrot/pxs.h:14,
>                  from PQt.C:15:
> Also, the modifs of pxs.h form CVS 1.2 to 1.3 (replacing
> Parrot_Interp_t by parrot_interp_t) also does not fix anything
> but confuses a little more the problem.
> in my opinion "typedef struct Parrot_Interp *Parrot_Interp;" is not
> only too cute, it is  wrong in the light of C++

I want to play with Qt from parrot and started from the example in ./example/pxs.
It had not followed the flux of parrot. Problems were going beyond those
I described.
So I fixed it.
Tested with perl 5.008 on linux.

> --
>   stef

# This is a patch for parrot.old to update it to parrot
# To apply this patch:
# STEP 1: Chdir to the source directory.
# STEP 2: Run the 'applypatch' program with this patch file as input.
# If you do not have 'applypatch', it is part of the 'makepatch' package
# that you can fetch from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network:
# http://www.perl.com/CPAN/authors/Johan_Vromans/makepatch-x.y.tar.gz
# In the above URL, 'x' should be 2 or higher.
# To apply this patch without the use of 'applypatch':
# STEP 1: Chdir to the source directory.
# If you have a decent Bourne-type shell:
# STEP 2: Run the shell with this file as input.
# If you don't have such a shell, you may need to manually create
# the files as shown below.
# STEP 3: Run the 'patch' program with this file as input.
# These are the commands needed to create/delete files/directories:
touch 'examples/pxs/makefile'
chmod 0644 'examples/pxs/makefile'
# This command terminates the shell and need not be executed manually.
#### End of Preamble ####

#### Patch data follows ####
diff -c 'parrot.old/MANIFEST' 'parrot/MANIFEST'
*** ./MANIFEST  Fri Jul 19 03:16:40 2002
--- ./MANIFEST  Mon Jul 22 14:38:33 2002
*** 170,175 ****
--- 170,176 ----
+ examples/pxs/makefile
diff -c 'parrot.old/config/gen/makefiles/root.in' 'parrot/config/gen/makefiles/root.in'
Index: ./config/gen/makefiles/root.in
*** ./config/gen/makefiles/root.in      Mon Jul 22 09:13:17 2002
--- ./config/gen/makefiles/root.in      Mon Jul 22 14:30:48 2002
*** 68,74 ****
  $(INC)/pmc.h $(INC)/key.h $(INC)/hash.h $(INC)/resources.h $(INC)/platform.h ${cg_h} 
  $(INC)/interp_guts.h ${jit_h} $(INC)/rx.h $(INC)/rxstacks.h \
  $(INC)/embed.h $(INC)/warnings.h $(INC)/misc.h $(INC)/debug.h $(INC)/pmc.h \
! $(INC)/key.h $(INC)/hash.h $(INC)/smallobject.h $(INC)/headers.h $(INC)/dod.h
--- 68,74 ----
  $(INC)/pmc.h $(INC)/key.h $(INC)/hash.h $(INC)/resources.h $(INC)/platform.h ${cg_h} 
  $(INC)/interp_guts.h ${jit_h} $(INC)/rx.h $(INC)/rxstacks.h \
  $(INC)/embed.h $(INC)/warnings.h $(INC)/misc.h $(INC)/debug.h $(INC)/pmc.h \
! $(INC)/key.h $(INC)/hash.h $(INC)/smallobject.h $(INC)/headers.h $(INC)/dod.h 
*** 92,98 ****
                                 platform$(O) ${jit_o} resources$(O) rx$(O) 
rxstacks$(O) \
                                 embed$(O) warnings$(O) misc$(O) ${cg_o} \
                                 packout$(O) byteorder$(O) debug$(O) smallobject$(O) \
!                                headers$(O) dod$(O)
              $(IO_O_FILES) \
--- 92,98 ----
                                 platform$(O) ${jit_o} resources$(O) rx$(O) 
rxstacks$(O) \
                                 embed$(O) warnings$(O) misc$(O) ${cg_o} \
                                 packout$(O) byteorder$(O) debug$(O) smallobject$(O) \
!                                headers$(O) dod$(O) pxs$(O)
              $(IO_O_FILES) \
diff -c 'parrot.old/examples/pxs/PQt.C' 'parrot/examples/pxs/PQt.C'
Index: ./examples/pxs/PQt.C
*** ./examples/pxs/PQt.C        Sun Jun  2 04:50:49 2002
--- ./examples/pxs/PQt.C        Mon Jul 22 10:20:53 2002
*** 2,8 ****
   * Qt Native interface for Parrot - Sample for playing with the
   * extension design.
!  * compile with:  g++ -fPIC -I$QTDIR/include -L$QTDIR -I./include -c PQt.C -lqt
   *                gcc -shared -o libPQt.so PQt.o $QTDIR/lib/libqt.so
   * Or something like that... 
--- 2,8 ----
   * Qt Native interface for Parrot - Sample for playing with the
   * extension design.
!  * compile with:  g++ -fPIC -I$QTDIR/include -L$QTDIR/include -c PQt.C -lqt
   *                gcc -shared -o libPQt.so PQt.o $QTDIR/lib/libqt.so
   * Or something like that... 
diff -c /dev/null 'parrot/examples/pxs/makefile'
Index: ./examples/pxs/makefile
*** ./examples/pxs/makefile     Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
--- ./examples/pxs/makefile     Mon Jul 22 14:25:44 2002
*** 0 ****
--- 1,29 ----
+ # semblance of a Makefile
+ # You need a dynamicallty linked parrot
+ # go to $PARROTSRC and type "make shared"
+ QTDIR     = /usr/lib/qt3
+ PARROTSRC = /home/parrot
+ PARROTLIB = /home/parrot/blib/lib
+ PARROTPX  = /home/parrot/examples/pxs
+ run: libpqt.so QtHelloWorld.pbc
+       LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:../../blib/lib:$(QTDIR)/lib/ ../../parrot  
+ PQt.o : PQt.C
+       g++ -fPIC -I$(QTDIR)/include  -I../../include/  -c PQt.C 
+ libpqt.so : PQt.o
+        gcc -shared -o libpqt.so PQt.o  $(QTDIR)/lib/libqt-mt.so  
+$(PARROTLIB)/libparrot.so  $(PARROTLIB)/libcore_prederef.so   
+ QtHelloWorld.pbc: QtHelloWorld.pasm
+       perl ../../assemble.pl QtHelloWorld.pasm > QtHelloWorld.pbc
+ clean: 
+       -rm *~ *.pbc *.o
diff -c 'parrot.old/include/parrot/embed.h' 'parrot/include/parrot/embed.h'
Index: ./include/parrot/embed.h
Prereq:  1.13 
*** ./include/parrot/embed.h    Mon Jul 15 02:52:00 2002
--- ./include/parrot/embed.h    Mon Jul 22 09:40:22 2002
*** 22,46 ****
  typedef int Parrot_warnclass;
  typedef void *Parrot_Interp_flag_val;
! Parrot_Interp Parrot_new(void);
! void Parrot_init(Parrot_Interp);
! void Parrot_setflag(Parrot_Interp, Parrot_Interp_flag, Parrot_Interp_flag_val);
! void Parrot_setwarnings(Parrot_Interp, Parrot_warnclass);
! Parrot_PackFile Parrot_readbc(Parrot_Interp, char *);
! void Parrot_loadbc(Parrot_Interp, Parrot_PackFile);
! void Parrot_runcode(Parrot_Interp, int argc, char *argv[]);
! void Parrot_destroy(Parrot_Interp);
! void Parrot_debug(Parrot_Interp);
! void Parrot_disassemble(Parrot_Interp);
--- 22,46 ----
  typedef int Parrot_warnclass;
  typedef void *Parrot_Interp_flag_val;
! struct Parrot_Interp* Parrot_new(void);
! void Parrot_init(struct Parrot_Interp*) ;
! void Parrot_setflag(struct Parrot_Interp*,  Parrot_Interp_flag, 
! void Parrot_setwarnings(struct Parrot_Interp*,  Parrot_warnclass);
! Parrot_PackFile Parrot_readbc(struct Parrot_Interp*,  char *);
! void Parrot_loadbc(struct Parrot_Interp*,  Parrot_PackFile);
! void Parrot_runcode(struct Parrot_Interp*,  int argc, char *argv[]);
! void Parrot_destroy(struct Parrot_Interp*) ;
! void Parrot_debug(struct Parrot_Interp*) ;
! void Parrot_disassemble(struct Parrot_Interp*) ;
diff -c 'parrot.old/include/parrot/interpreter.h' 'parrot/include/parrot/interpreter.h'
Index: ./include/parrot/interpreter.h
Prereq:  1.50 
*** ./include/parrot/interpreter.h      Sun Jul 21 13:21:34 2002
--- ./include/parrot/interpreter.h      Mon Jul 22 09:43:54 2002
*** 29,35 ****
  struct Parrot_Interp;
- typedef struct Parrot_Interp *Parrot_Interp;
  #if defined(PARROT_IN_CORE)
--- 29,34 ----
diff -c 'parrot.old/include/parrot/pxs.h' 'parrot/include/parrot/pxs.h'
Index: ./include/parrot/pxs.h
Prereq:  1.4 
*** ./include/parrot/pxs.h      Sun Jul 21 13:47:19 2002
--- ./include/parrot/pxs.h      Mon Jul 22 11:07:13 2002
*** 13,28 ****
  #include "parrot.h"
- /* the cuteness "typedef struct Parrot_Interp*Parrot_Interp"
-   in interpreter.h does not cut it in C++. Apparently
-   Josh introduce parrot_interp_t as a work around but
-   forgot about the typedef
!  */
! typedef struct Parrot_Interp* parrot_interp;
  void PXS_reti(parrot_interp_t, INTVAL);
! void PXS_retn(parrot_Interp_t, FLOATVAL);
  void PXS_rets(parrot_interp_t, STRING *);
  void PXS_retp(parrot_interp_t, PMC *);
  INTVAL PXS_shifti(parrot_interp_t);
--- 13,23 ----
  #include "parrot.h"
! typedef struct Parrot_Interp* parrot_interp_t; 
! int PXS_initargs(parrot_interp_t interp);
  void PXS_reti(parrot_interp_t, INTVAL);
! void PXS_retn(parrot_interp_t, FLOATVAL);
  void PXS_rets(parrot_interp_t, STRING *);
  void PXS_retp(parrot_interp_t, PMC *);
  INTVAL PXS_shifti(parrot_interp_t);
diff -c 'parrot.old/pxs.c' 'parrot/pxs.c'
Index: ./pxs.c
*** ./pxs.c     Thu Jun 20 19:39:12 2002
--- ./pxs.c     Mon Jul 22 10:52:36 2002
*** 7,78 ****
  #include "parrot/pxs.h"
! PXS_initargs(Parrot_Interp_t interp) {
      INTVAL numargs;
!     stack_pop(interp, &interp->user_stack, &numargs, STACK_ENTRY_INT);
      return numargs;
! PXS_reti(Parrot_Interp_t interp, INTVAL i) {
!     stack_push(interp, &interp->user_stack, &i, STACK_ENTRY_INT, STACK_CLEANUP_NULL);
! PXS_retn(Parrot_Interp_t interp, FLOATVAL f) {
!     stack_push(interp, &interp->user_stack, &f, STACK_ENTRY_FLOAT, 
! PXS_rets(Parrot_Interp_t interp, STRING * s) {
!     stack_push(interp, &interp->user_stack, s, STACK_ENTRY_STRING, 
! PXS_retp(Parrot_Interp_t interp, PMC * p) {
!     stack_push(interp, &interp->user_stack, p, STACK_ENTRY_PMC, STACK_CLEANUP_NULL);
! PXS_shifti(Parrot_Interp_t interp) {
      INTVAL i;
!     stack_pop(interp, &interp->user_stack, &i, STACK_ENTRY_INT);
      return i;
! PXS_shiftn(Parrot_Interp_t interp) {
      FLOATVAL f;
!     stack_pop(interp, &interp->user_stack, &f, STACK_ENTRY_FLOAT);
      return f;
! PXS_shifts(Parrot_Interp_t interp) {
      STRING * s;
!     stack_pop(interp, &interp->user_stack, &s, STACK_ENTRY_STRING);
      return s;
! char * PXS_shiftcs(Parrot_Interp_t interp) {
      STRING * s;
!     stack_pop(interp, &interp->user_stack, &s, STACK_ENTRY_STRING);
      return string_to_cstring(interp, s);
  PMC *
! PXS_shiftp(Parrot_Interp_t interp) {
      PMC * p;
!     stack_pop(interp, &interp->user_stack, &p, STACK_ENTRY_PMC);
      return p;
! INTVAL PXS_findop(Parrot_Interp_t interp, const char * opname) {
      int op = interp->op_lib->op_code(opname);
      return op;
! PMC * PXS_pointer(Parrot_Interp_t interp, void * object) {
      PMC * p = new_pmc_header(interp);
      p->data = object;
      p->vtable = YOU_LOSE_VTABLE;
--- 7,78 ----
  #include "parrot/pxs.h"
! PXS_initargs(parrot_interp_t interp) {
      INTVAL numargs;
!     stack_pop(interp, &interp->ctx.user_stack, &numargs, STACK_ENTRY_INT);
      return numargs;
! PXS_reti(parrot_interp_t interp, INTVAL i) {
!     stack_push(interp, &interp->ctx.user_stack, &i, STACK_ENTRY_INT, 
! PXS_retn(parrot_interp_t interp, FLOATVAL f) {
!     stack_push(interp, &interp->ctx.user_stack, &f, STACK_ENTRY_FLOAT, 
! PXS_rets(parrot_interp_t interp, STRING * s) {
!     stack_push(interp, &interp->ctx.user_stack, s, STACK_ENTRY_STRING, 
! PXS_retp(parrot_interp_t interp, PMC * p) {
!     stack_push(interp, &interp->ctx.user_stack, p, STACK_ENTRY_PMC, 
! PXS_shifti(parrot_interp_t interp) {
      INTVAL i;
!     stack_pop(interp, &interp->ctx.user_stack, &i, STACK_ENTRY_INT);
      return i;
! PXS_shiftn(parrot_interp_t interp) {
      FLOATVAL f;
!     stack_pop(interp, &interp->ctx.user_stack, &f, STACK_ENTRY_FLOAT);
      return f;
! PXS_shifts(parrot_interp_t interp) {
      STRING * s;
!     stack_pop(interp, &interp->ctx.user_stack, &s, STACK_ENTRY_STRING);
      return s;
! char * PXS_shiftcs(parrot_interp_t interp) {
      STRING * s;
!     stack_pop(interp, &interp->ctx.user_stack, &s, STACK_ENTRY_STRING);
      return string_to_cstring(interp, s);
  PMC *
! PXS_shiftp(parrot_interp_t interp) {
      PMC * p;
!     stack_pop(interp, &interp->ctx.user_stack, &p, STACK_ENTRY_PMC);
      return p;
! INTVAL PXS_findop(parrot_interp_t interp, const char * opname) {
      int op = interp->op_lib->op_code(opname);
      return op;
! PMC * PXS_pointer(parrot_interp_t interp, void * object) {
      PMC * p = new_pmc_header(interp);
      p->data = object;
      p->vtable = YOU_LOSE_VTABLE;
diff -c 'parrot.old/test_main.c' 'parrot/test_main.c'
Index: ./test_main.c
Prereq:  1.53 
*** ./test_main.c       Wed May 15 07:25:18 2002
--- ./test_main.c       Mon Jul 22 09:55:26 2002
*** 16,22 ****
  #define setopt(flag) Parrot_setflag(interpreter, flag, (*argv)[0]+2);
  #define unsetopt(flag) Parrot_setflag(interpreter, flag, 0)
! char *parseflags(Parrot_Interp interpreter, int *argc, char **argv[]);
  static void usage(void);
--- 16,22 ----
  #define setopt(flag) Parrot_setflag(interpreter, flag, (*argv)[0]+2);
  #define unsetopt(flag) Parrot_setflag(interpreter, flag, 0)
! char *parseflags(struct Parrot_Interp* interpreter, int *argc, char **argv[]);
  static void usage(void);
*** 25,31 ****
  main(int argc, char *argv[])
!     Parrot_Interp interpreter;
      char *filename;
      Parrot_PackFile pf;
--- 25,31 ----
  main(int argc, char *argv[])
!     struct Parrot_Interp* interpreter;
      char *filename;
      Parrot_PackFile pf;
*** 53,59 ****
  char *
! parseflags(Parrot_Interp interpreter, int *argc, char **argv[])
      if (*argc == 1) {
--- 53,59 ----
  char *
! parseflags(struct Parrot_Interp* interpreter, int *argc, char **argv[])
      if (*argc == 1) {
#### End of Patch data ####

#### ApplyPatch data follows ####
# Data version        : 1.0
# Date generated      : Mon Jul 22 14:39:13 2002
# Generated by        : makepatch 2.00_07*
# Recurse directories : Yes
# Excluded files      : (\A|/).*\~\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.a\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.bak\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.BAK\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.elc\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.exe\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.gz\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.ln\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.o\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.obj\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.olb\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.old\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.orig\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.rej\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.so\Z
#                       (\A|/).*\.Z\Z
#                       (\A|/)\.del\-.*\Z
#                       (\A|/)\.make\.state\Z
#                       (\A|/)\.nse_depinfo\Z
#                       (\A|/)core\Z
#                       (\A|/)tags\Z
#                       (\A|/)TAGS\Z
# p 'MANIFEST' 11347 1027348713 0100644
# p 'config/gen/makefiles/root.in' 15742 1027348248 0100644
# p 'examples/pxs/PQt.C' 1296 1027333253 0100644
# c 'examples/pxs/makefile' 0 1027347944 0100644
# p 'include/parrot/embed.h' 1370 1027330822 0100644
# p 'include/parrot/interpreter.h' 7708 1027331034 0100644
# p 'include/parrot/pxs.h' 1238 1027336033 0100644
# p 'pxs.c' 2379 1027335156 0100644
# p 'test_main.c' 4259 1027331726 0100644
#### End of ApplyPatch data ####

#### End of Patch kit [created: Mon Jul 22 14:39:13 2002] ####
#### Patch checksum: 466 13888 62492 ####
#### Checksum: 496 14967 23067 ####

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