The last two (well, the only two :) patches I sent
were counted as spam.  Some of the points were becuase
I'm using Yahoo.  Should I send patches from another
e-mail address?  I have a NASA e-mail account, but I
can only access it at work (they have external
accounts, but they don't give them to all employees).

Do the patches still get read if they are counted as
spam?  Are they just less likely to be noticed?

Stephen Rawls

PS.  Here's the spam asassain content analysis:

 -------------------- Start SpamAssassin results
------Content analysis details:   (7.3 hits, 7
REPLY_TO_EMPTY     (4.3 points)  Reply-To: is empty
FROM_ENDS_IN_NUMS  (1.0 points)  From: ends in numbers
FORGED_YAHOO_RCVD  (2.0 points)  Forged
'Received:' header found

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