With the mass of discussion revolving around PMCs lately, I
just want to put my 2 cents in.

It is not clear to me yet that there needs to be a 1-to-1 correlation
from PMC's to upper level "classes". I can't see Parrot ever
providing enough "vtable" methods for every language that will
ever target it, so I think it is bad to try to do _everything_ in a PMC.

I road we are going down seems very muddy to me right now, even
though I know most of the internals well.

There are things that may belong at a higher level than Parrot
that are bleeding into the virtual machine, and I feel like the
lack of a full high level language and extension API seems to
be causing a mindset to form that thinks when something new is added,
it must be coded as a PMC or a new vtable entry, rather than
a pure method, class or routine written _in_ Parrot.

So, I hope we can step back and reconsider the way we are doing
things, or Parrot will just become a huge dispatcher of C extensions.


PS: This is just a general feeling, and isn't targetted at anyone or anything
in specific.

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