> > Anyone more well-versed in these departments than I care to take a look at
> > the potential problems? Just change GC_DEBUG in parrot.h, and you can be
> > on your way. :)
> I can't get to it because parrot doesn't survive past initialization
> for me. When it creates the Array PMC for userargv, it allocates the
> PMC first and then the buffer for the array's data. During the
> buffer's creation, it does a collection that wipes out the PMC. My
> lo_var_ptr and hi_var_ptr are set to reasonable-sounding values at the
> top of trace_system_stack(), but I haven't been able to track it
> farther yet. Oh, and I do have your recent patch to set
> interpreter->lo_var_ptr early.
> The userargv PMC is not anchored other than in the C stack, because it
> dies in the pmc_new() creation process before the assignment to P0 can
> run.

Weird. I had to move the lo_var_ptr initialization code to runcode instead
of runops, in order to avoid collecting the ARGV pmc. The new code looks

void *dummy_ptr;
PMC *userargv;

Is it possible that some systems might put dummy_ptr higher in memory than
userargv, thus causing userargv to become prematurely collected? If
so, there are three options:
- make two dummy ptrs, and choose the lesser of the two.
- set the dummy ptr to userargv, and hope we don't add two
header variables. ;)
- force the setting of lo_var_ptr upon the 'main' code in test_main.c,
above all possible functions.

I think 1 is easiest, but 3 does have the advantage of allowing the user
to do GC stuff outside of the parrot execution loop, like allocating
global variables (like argv, but app-specific), etc. Of course, it also
imposees additional coding overhead on the embedding programmer.

Mike Lambert

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