On 18 Sep 2002, Tom Hughes wrote:

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         Sean O'Rourke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Actually, if scratchpads become proper PMC's these ops would be incredibly
> > useful and common.  For example, "@a[0] = %b{1} + $c" might become
> >
> >     add P0["@a";0], P0["%b";"1"], P0["$c"]
> >
> > This is rather speculative, but if many operations will be on lexicals as
> > opposed to registers/temporaries, such hoariness might be worth it.
> Except those indexes are key constants which are type kc but Leopold
> only wants to allow dynamically created keys of type k on the other ops.

Hm... maybe I'd rather have constant and run-time keys go through the same
op.  An alternative would be to build up the lexical refs from constant
key-construction ops, then use the _k versions.


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