> >I was just thinking that  $((1,2,3))  is also the same as  [1,2,3],
> >and shorter than  scalar(1,2,3).
> >
> I wonder if you can't just use $(1, 2, 3) to the same effect. 

I think you can.  I was under the impression that the C comma was dying, 
so that would have to make a list or err.

> Also, I 
> wonder if you can do this:
> my @LoL = ( ("1a", "2a"),
>                          ("1b", "2b"),
>                          ("1c", "2c") );

Yeah, I think to get Perl5 behavioueaur :), you do this:

        my @flatL = ( *("1a", "2a"), *("1b", "2b") );

Does this do the same thing?

        my @flatL = *( ("1a", "2a"), ("1b", "2b") );

(Heh, I just got a fun thought:)

        my $traversal_time = 2***@list;

> If you can, the only case where I could see [1, 2, 3] being necessary is 
> in a sub call where the parameters are wrapped in parentheses.

Not even then, if $(1, 2, 3) is allowed.  If so, it might be possible to 
find another use for [...].  I like that syntax, but if we need a 
balanced delimiter to do something else, that could be it...

Of course, the parallel [...] to @foo[...] goes nicely with 
{...} to %foo{...}, so it will probably stay.


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