Paul Johnson wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 10:05:50AM -0000, Smylers wrote:
> > Many Perl programs use C<$_> to mean
> > 'the current line'.  'A2' gives the Perl 6 syntax for this as:
> > 
> >    while $STDIN {
> > 
> > Maybe somewhere in the middle of
> > it, it's necessary to have a C<for> loop iterating over something else.
> > ... I think it could surprise people if the variable holding 'the current
> > line' no longer holds that inside the C<for> or C<given>.
> I don't see what is different from perl 5.

Consider this Perl 5:

  while (<>)
    # ...
    foreach my $fruit (qw<apple banana cherry>)
      # ...

Inside the inner loop C<$_> still holds the current line.  In the
equivalent Perl 6 syntax, insider the inner loop C<$_> will be an alias
of C<$fruit> and there wouldn't be any way of getting the current line.

> while $STDIN -> $line {
> or
> for $STDIN -> $line {
> as the input should be read lazily.
> As I wrote it $_ is the same as $line until some other construct claims
> the $_.

That solves the problem, since it answers the "But if it is" part of

> > So I'm unconvinced that having an explicitly named topic always also
> > clobbering C<$_> is a good idea.  But if it is, then we need a
> > simple syntax for reading file input lines into an explicitly named
> > topic.


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