On Thu, 10 Oct 2002 00:37:22 -0400, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Erik Lechak) wrote:

>Where can I get a reliable port of cvs for Windows?
>My old executable (v1.11)works fine.

Here are some pointers for you, and for possible inclusion in your "getting
started" document.

CVSHome.org is re-organizing their site, and the Win32 command-line client
is hard to find. Here is the direct URL for the latest version:
                Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.2 (client)
                cvs.exe dated 2002-05-06

I just now tested that client against the parrot CVS server; it works:
        set CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/public
        cvs login
        cvs -Q -z3 checkout parrot

Please consider using -z in your CVS commands; See Dan's message on this:

http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg12054.html

The old CvsGui.org site, which covers CVS GUIs for multiple platforms has
moved onto the WinCvs site:

Here is command-line CVS or Mac (Old-school and OS-X):

And finally, a Google directory for those who desire further research:


Hope this helps,
Bruce Gray

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