--- Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, Austin Hastings wrote:
> : > No, no.  I'm talking about the unary . prefix
> : > 
> : >   method blah {
> : >      .foo()
> : >      [.]foo()             # What does this mean?
> : >   }
> : 
> : Vector of invocations of the foo methods of the current topic.
> Except that the topic is by definition singular in a method, and so
> is a method name.  So it'd be no different from ordinary dot.  Maybe
> it's an error to use a vector op on two scalars.

method blah()
  @values = [.]@list_of_methods();  # Are method pointers meaningful?

> : Presumably you'd have an array in topic, or you'd use it in an
> array
> : context.
> : 
> : for @lol -> @onelist {
> :    @a = [.]foo();
> : }
> Yes, that would work, though I'd love to see it:
>     for @lol -> @onelist {
>       @a = «.»foo();
>     }

How do you write a « in a Windows based environment? (Other than by
copying them from Larry's emails or loading MSWord to do

> instead.  Maybe ^[+] (or whatever) is just a workaround for people
> who can't figure out how to write «+».  I love the "shimmers" on
> either side of the operator.  That's a nice plural visual metaphor.

Yeah, "This looks kind of fuzzy. You probably don't clearly see what's
going on." Works for me.

> I'd even be willing to give up «foo bar baz» meaning qw(foo bar baz)
> for this.

Holy rat-on-a-stick, Batman! That IS quite a sacrifice...


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