Here's some notes based on the first bits of feedback -- something to
throw rocks at, as it were.

"The overall project goal is to produce documentation that will:"

(1) define precise semantics for the Perl6 language; discover and
document ambiguous possible behaviors and report them to the design team
(Allison, Dan, Damian, Larry) for review and decisions.

(2) provide detailed test cases allowing Perl6 implementors and the QA
team to verify functionality as it is written.

(3) encourage community interest and participation in Perl6, growing the
community and the manpower available to implement the language.

(4) be distributed, when complete, as the user documentation for Perl 6.0.

Note that we have things here with quite divergent intended audiences. 
Not saying that's a problem, just pointing it out.  :-)

Some tentative thoughts:

Probably need a very fine-grained tree structure; short pages, lots of
them, crosslinked.  Everyone seems to like the "booklike" style better
than the "recipe" style, but wants the pages to be short, focusing on
one topic at a time.

Existing Perl5 documentation is extremely well written, but exists in
quite large, sometimes hard-to-digest chunks.  Not very easy to find
where a given sub-topic is discussed.

Must be distributable in POD, manpage, pretty-printable, and online forms.

Moderated, annotated pages (like the POOC recipes) may be useful for
focusing detailed feedback on each page, without introducing the
problems of choppy style and "battling rewrites" inherent in wiki-based
pages.  The booklike style, but broken out into small pages with
individual notations.

Seems like it should be possible to be both detailed and
beginner-friendly, if concepts are introduced in a well-organized
fashion.  Likewise, it seems probable that test cases could be organized
to exactly mirror documentation sections or pages.  If both sections and
tests are written and edited together (long-term), a great opportunity
to make sure the docs always match the tests, and vice versa.

Conversations on this mailing list are going to look a lot like
perl6-language, except more aggressively focused on one narrow area at a
time.  Starting from data types & behaviors, moving on to operators,
then blocks, conditionals, etc, then regexen.

Should start small.  No tutorials until docs & tests are done.  No
working on A3 until A2 behaviors are *locked*, to whatever extent that
proves possible.



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