The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20021110
    Far off in distant Newark a figure, muttering something about `Leon
    Brocard', shambles across a railway bridge and makes its way into a
    waiting room. Time passes. After a while, a train arrives and the figure
    shambles on board, takes its seat, pulls a laptop from its bag and
    starts to type. This is what it types: `=head1 The Perl 6 Summary for
    the week ending 20021110'.

    Yes, it's time for another update on the japes and tomfoolery from the
    world of Perl 6. We start, as usual, with perl6-internals.

  The Myth of Fingerprints
    At the end of the previous week, Gregor posted an outline of his
    proposal for fixing the fingerprinting issue with dynamic loading. (The
    fingerprinting issue is that 'old' .pbc files may break big time when
    run on newer Parrots. Ideally we'd like Parrot to refuse to run such
    files *before* bad things happen. It's proposed that this be done by
    adding `fingerprints' to .pbc to allow for identification by Parrot.)
    Leopold Tötsch wasn't at all sure about Gregor's approach, pointing out
    that it would have massive speed implications, and lo, the thread got
    dragged off in the direction of a discussion of optimizing Parrot for
    speed. How did that happen then?

  "on_exit" not portable
    Andy Dougherty pointed out that Solaris doesn't have "on_exit", which is
    used by Parrot to clean up after itself, and suggested that
    interpreter.c be reworked to use "atexit". However, SunOS has on_exit
    but doesn't have atexit. It's a quandary. Josh Wilmes suggested
    implementing "Parrot_on_exit()" and "Parrot_exit()" in platform.c and
    half promised a patch (unless somebody beat him to it.) Leo Tötsch and
    Nicholas Clark both said, essentially "Nice idea, go do it."

    Dan chimed in, pointing out that the current "on_exit" behaviour seemed
    to be there as a workaround for bugs in exceptions, and that fixing
    those was probably the better idea. Leo turned off the 'on_exit' stuff,
    just as Josh was sending a patch implementing the Parrot_* functions. I
    think that, as we now stand, we're back to doing exit cleanup, but using
    the portable Parrot_* functions.

  Should memory be washed?
    Peter Gibbs was unsure of the guarantees given by "Parrot_allocate" and
    friends regarding the contents of the memory supplied. Apparently, some
    code appears to assume that it will get pre-washed memory, while other
    code does its own cleaning. Which is right? Leo Tötsch reckons that the
    current behaviour (memory is zeroed at allocation time) should be
    guaranteed. Dan wasn't so sure that this was a good idea if we go for a
    `malloc like' scheme and thought that it could be argued that it was a
    bug for any code to assume that the memory it got was zeroed.

    Eventual consensus was that the basic allocator should not guarantee
    zeroed memory, but that there should be a set of allocator functions
    that *do* return zeroed memory. Leo checked in a patch to that effect.

    Then they started talking about performance.

  "string_set" is back
    Leopold Tötsch has added a 'string_set' function which allows strings to
    be recycled instead of having to create new strings every time. This can
    lead to substantial speed gains when used appropriately. This led to a
    discussion on when it was appropriate to use non destructive assignment
    and when to use a destructive set. Somewhat to my surprise, nobody has
    yet suggested the lispish "set" is non destructive, "set!" is
    destructive split, allowing the Parrot coder to choose. Looks like I
    just suggested it here.

Meanwhile, over in perl6-language
    Amazingly, the main topic of conversation this week wasn't the dreaded
    operator thread...

  Unifying invocant and topic naming syntax
    Allison Randal has written an article about Perl 6 topics for
    `Ralph' read this and didn't appear to like it very much, particularly
    the "sub foo ($bar) is given($baz) { ... }" syntax which sets $baz to
    the value of the caller's topic. (If you're not sure what I'm talking
    about, now would be a good time to read Allison's article. Topics are
    great, you'll like them.) Ralph wanted to do "sub foo ($baz : $bar is
    topic) { ... }", and supplied several further, terser and terser
    declaration forms, "method f ($self : $c : $a*, $b) {...}" anyone?

    Allison thought Ralph was barking up the wrong tree, and explained the
    thinking behind the topic related syntax and pointed out that Ralph
    appeared to be conflating two `independent but interacting features'
    with his proposal, but Ralph didn't give up that easily. Eventually,
    after comments from Damian and Allison he let the subject lie.

  UTF-8 and Unicode FAQ
    Actually, I lied about the operator thread subsiding. It fragmented. But
    at least now the various fragments got their own subjects. In this
    particular subthread the whole 'Unicode operators in core' thing got
    discussed. There appear to be two camps. The first camp maintains that
    Unicode operators in the core means Perl will start looking dangerously
    like APL and will need a space cadet keyboard to use. The second camp's
    argument for Unicode operators appears to be `Yeah, and your point was?
    We only want to use « and », and isn't it about time the world got with
    the Unicode program?'

    Me? I'm on the fence. I can see the reasoning behind wanting Unicode
    operators, but I'm not entirely sure I like them (the 'email encoding'
    problem is my major bugbear...) -- A decent summation from
    Michael Lazzaro

    At one point in the UTF-8 and Unicode thread, Larry wondered if he could
    raid Unicode for a better character than ";" for separating parallel
    "for" loop streams. Michael Lazzaro responded with a couple of
    suggestions for different supercommas which would have different
    meanings. I couldn't tell you what the symbols are, my mailer rendered
    'em as Latin-1 digraphs, neither of which looked much like a comma.

    Larry then confessed that he was thinking of changing the declaration of
    parallel for loops from:

      for @a ; @b ; @c - $a ; $b ; $c {...}

    to something like:

      for parallel(@a, @b, @c) - $a, $b, $c {...}

    Which has the advantage of not messing with the block signature at all,
    which Larry reckons should make Simon Cozens happier. Damian pointed out
    that doing things this way would probably mean we'd get a bunch of
    useful functions for iterating over arrays (and then implemented one
    such function). Others followed, implementing various other useful
    functions before Damian capped them all with a nicely generalized "zip"

    Buddha Buck endeared himself to the summarizer with his summary of "for"
    loop possibilities. Buddha also included a rather pretty implementation
    of "for" as a recursive function, though Damian reckoned he'd not quite
    got the signature right.

  The interminable operator thread
    `Smylers' is my hero of the week for a message he posted summarizing the
    various (12) options for changing the look of operators, with particular
    reference to vectorization. Options range from `as we were' to the
    `guillemot' option which involves seabirds and a pathological inability
    to spell `guillemet'.

  FMTWYENTK about ":="
    Bravely declining to expand the acronym in his subject, arcardi posted a
    summary of his current understanding of the behaviour of ":=", the
    binding operator, and peppered the post with questions. None of which
    got answered this week.

  Junctions and laziness
    Junctions are what we're calling superpositions this week. Piers Cawley
    had another crack (the operative word I think, on rereading) at his non
    deterministic search algorithm using junctions and a subclass of
    Function. Damian, of course, came up with a better possible syntax for
    lazy functions:

        sub some_func(Num $n) is lazy returns Num {
          return $n ** $n;

    Billy Naylor wondered if a similar notation could be used for memoize:

        sub fib(Num $n) is memo returns Num {
          given $n {
            when 0    { 0 }
            when 1    { 1 }
            otherwise { fib($n-1) + $fib($n-2) }

    and Damian pointed out that this was covered in Apocalypse 2, but the
    name of the property was yet to be decided. Which led to discussion of
    appropriate names.

  Primitive vs. Object types
    David Whipp was worried about the use of primitive types. He pointed out
    that "whenever a value passes through a primitive type, it loses all its
    run-time properties; and [junctions] will collapse. I worry that this
    could cause very obscure bugs". He also worried that the similarity of
    names ("Int" for an object vs. "int" for a primitive) would make such
    problems harder to spot, and violated Larry's maxim that `Similar things
    should look different'. He proposed that, in order to use primitive
    types, a module author should first do something like "use primitives
    qw(int)", and that maybe names like "int" should be changed to names
    like "_prim_int32".

    Dan wasn't entirely sure that David's basic assumption about
    properties/junctions was accurate, but Michael Lazzaro pointed out that
    this had been strongly implied by things Larry and Damian had said,
    though Michael later dug up a reference to Apocalypse 2 which was
    ambiguous about runtime properties on primitive types. Dan started
    making 'worried' noises about supporting primitive types and Larry,
    while still keeping things fluid about what will actually happen,
    explained more of his thoughts about them.

    Garrett Goebel wondered about the difference between `attribute' and
    `property' in Perl 6. I assume everyone would like to know this. The
    very short answer goes something like: `attribute' is the Perl 6 term
    for an instance variable, a `property' can be thought of as a `yellow
    sticky note attached to an arbitrary object'. Dan has a better
    explanation which doesn't avoid using a trademarked term. -- Dan's attributes/properties

  perl6-documentation was born
    On Wednesday, Michael Lazzaro (who has been doing some sterling
    documentation work, check out his `introduction to variables and values'
    docs, linked below) proposed that now was the time to start documenting
    (and finalizing) the detailed design of what we know about Perl 6 so
    far. He is concerned that for all the discussion on the language list,
    most of the decisions don't appear to be being documented, nor reflected
    back in updated Apocalypses and other documentation.

    He proposed, therefore, that perl6-language `focus on fleshing out every
    last detail implied by Apocalypses 2-N, *in that order*' and hoped that
    we could `migrate perl6-language into a list that finalizes aspects of
    the design, documents them, and revises them as needed'.

    Allison Randal wasn't initially convinced that this was necessarily a
    good idea. She worried that Larry (the Official Last Word on Perl 6)
    would be snowed under by an RFCesque tide of new documentation, and that
    reviewing such a tide would make him lose focus.

    At this point, Michael threw the Virtual Coffee Mug.

    After a further period of discussion Dan pointed out that the key was to
    `Just Do It' (a phrase normally pronounced with four words), so we
    created the perl6-documentation mailing list and your summarizer got a
    bunch more work.

    The thread is long. I've summarized the main line (badly) and now
    provide some links to key posts, but if you want more detail I suggest
    you follow the first link and read the thread. For those that like drama
    and high emotion, the virtual CM chucking post is Michael's response to
    Allison's reply. I'm not going to link directly to it; trust me, context
    is better. -- vars and values intro -- Dan talks sense -- So does Simon Cozens -- The tests should be the spec

Meanwhile, In perl-documentation
    The new baby got off to a flying start as Michael Lazzaro laid down his
    goals for the project. Early discussion centred on the overall structure
    of the intended documentation; what formats it should be written in; the
    requirements for concrete, executable Perl 6 test cases and the
    importance of fluidity. Michael repeatedly stressed that it was vital
    that the documentation list retain focus; his goal is that the entire
    list should work on one thing at a time.

  Roll call
    Michael asked for a quick roll call of who was interested in the
    documentation project. As an added bonus, he asked that even the lurkers
    put their hands up if they were interested. Surprisingly, some of them
    decloaked and did so.

  Project Goals?
    Michael formally kicked off the discussion with the question "How can
    this documentation project best help with the overall goal of producing
    a finished Perl 6?" Answers on a piece of data to the list, do not
    attempt to write on both sides of the data at once.

  Project Start: Section 1
    Late on Friday, Michael kicked off discussion of the first section, most
    of the discussion of which took place during the following week. Which
    is when I'll summarize it.

In Brief
    Leo Tötsch and Brent Dax have been working on ways of making Parrot GC
    go faster by improving the performance of the `destroy' phase.

    Andy Dougherty sent in a patch to ensure that the languages/perl6 build
    will work without bison. Andy found and fixed a compiler specific bug
    introduced by someone using C++ style comments.

    Richard Proctor suggested that miniparrot should be called `budgie'.

    Leo Tötsch showed off some numbers for the life generations/sec test.
    JIT is looking very quick indeed, it's only around 25% slower than a
    native C implementation.

    Dan's back from Seattle and digging through his mail backlog.

    Leo Tötsch has been thinking about regexes/patterns/rules and thinks
    that we should reintroduce a regex state object, making regexes
    reentrant once more.

Who's who in Perl 6?
    Who are you?
        Simon Glover

    What do you do for/with Perl 6?
        Write tests, stomp on compiler warnings, fix bugs (occasionally)...

        Basically, I try to help out with some of the tedious but necessary
        stuff in order to free up other people to concentrate on design &

    Where are you coming from?
        About this time last year, I was starting to get a bit frustrated at
        what appeared to me to be the slow pace of Parrot development, when
        I suddenly thought: 'You know, if you gave them a hand, they'd
        finish sooner'. So I did (and we haven't... yet. Of course, I've now
        got a better understanding of *why* this takes a long time).

        I'd also like to add that I'm proof that you don't have to be a C
        coder in order to be useful on a project like this...

    When do you think Perl 6 will be released?
        Depends what you mean by Perl 6 -- after all, we already have a
        subset of it up and running on Parrot. Seriously, I think we'll have
        something that's genuinely usable and useful well before the end of
        2003, even if there are still a few loose ends to tie up.

    Why are you doing this?
        I like Perl - it matches the way I think. The problem is, Perl is
        too slow for many of the things that I'd like to use it for, and too
        hard to extend. Parrot should fix both of these problems.

        Also, it's nice to see one of my favourite features of F90 finally
        make it into Perl :-)

    You have 5 words. Describe yourself.
        Mild-mannered English computational astrophysicist.

    Do you have anything to declare?
        All the C I know I learnt from Parrot. (Well, OK, K&R helped too,
        but it's amazing how much you can learn from reading other people's

Acknowledgements, requests and general banter
    This summary was again brought to you from the 0625 Newark on Trent to
    Kings Cross and the 1720 Kings Cross to Newark on Trent trains. It was
    fuelled by copious amounts of GNER coffee and, one one occasion, a bacon
    and tomato toasted sandwich. I'd like to extend my thanks and best
    wishes to Avril Hill, who's been bringing me morning tea for months now,
    but who's about to escape the train and start working on Leeds station.

    Proofreading services were supplied by aspell and myself. Blame aspell
    if it's really terrible.

    I'm running short of questionnaire answers. If you've *ever* been
    mentioned in a Perl 6 Summary, or if you haven't (yet), please consider
    answering the questions Simon just answered and sending them to
    <mailto:5Ws@; Thanks.

    Now, if we all join in with the chorus:

    If you didn't like this summary, what are you doing still reading it? If
    you did like it, please consider one or both of the following options:

    *   Send money to the Perl Foundation at and help support the ongoing
        development of Perl 6.

    *   Send feedback, flames, money and/or a Schneider 90mm f/5.6 Super
        Angulon XL to <mailto:pdcawley@;

    The fee paid for publication of these summaries on is paid
    directly to the Perl Foundation.


   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
    possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
         -- Jane Austen?

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