Michael Lazzaro said:

> (A) Unification of Literal <--> Stringified Numeric Behaviors
> An old proposal that I can't find anymore suggested that strings should
> be converted to a number according to the exact same rules as literals,
> such that:
>      0123   == "0123"
>      0xff   == "0xff"
>      20#1gj == "20#1gj"
>      1e10   == "1e10"
> .... in the interest of regularity, flexibility, etc.  Comments?

Yuck ;-)

Then I have to jump through hoops to get "0123".

> (B) We want to be able to convert strings to numbers, using strings in
> any of the formats that literals understand.  If (A) is accepted, this
> is unnecessary: if not, we need a conversion syntax, maybe something
> like one of:
>      my $s = "20#1gj";
>      my num $i = literal $s;   # (1a) literal is a func or unary op
>      my num $i = numeric $s;   # (1b) alternate spelling?
>      my num $i = $s.literal;   # (2a) str has method 'literal'
>      my num $i = $s.numeric;   # (2b)

This is currently (Perl 5) spelt C<eval>.  But I know that is probably
more power than needs to be brought to bear.  Method as_xxxx?

> (C) We sometimes want to be able to specify the _exact_ format a string
> should be expected as.  Suppose you wanted a user to always enter a hex
> value: they should be able to just enter "10" or "ff", and you wanted
> to convert that to 16 and 255, respectively.  So you'd maybe use
> something like:
>      my $s = "ff";        # note there's no '0x' in front
>      my int $i = hex $s;
>      my int $i = $s.hex;
>      my int $i = $s.numeric('%2x');  # ???
> e.g. is "numeric" a method of str, and if so, can it accept formatting
> information?  And are there shortcuts for the common cases that
> literals already know about, e.g. <<sci dec bin oct hex>>?

And this one is spelt C<eval "0x$s">

> (D) There were proposals to allow a given string to _always_ be
> numified in a certain way by attaching a property, e.g.:
>      my str $s is formatted('%2x');
>      $s = 'ff';
>      my int $i = $s;  # 255
> ....now I'm wondering if that's buying us anything, though the inverse
> seems much more useful:
>      my int $i is formatted('%4x');
>      $i = 255;
>      print $i;    # prints '00ff';
> Anyone care to comment?  Compiletime property, runtime property, or
> both?

I would have thought neither.  It seems more appropriate to whatever is
displaying it.  What if I want to display it in a number of formats?

> (E) We need to finalize what happens when a string isn't a number, or
> has additional trailing stuff.  Damian gave his initial preference, but
> we need to verify & set in stone:
>      my int $i =  'foo';   # 0, NaN, undef, or exception?
>      my int $i = '5foo';   # 5, NaN, undef, or exception?
>      my Int $i =  'foo';   # 'Int' probably makes a difference
>      my Int $i = '5foo';

Optional warning I<Argument "5foo" isn't numeric> and the value set to 0
or 5 as appropriate.

Yes, this is really just a reminder of how things stand in a certain
language that most of us quite like.  Not that there might not be room for
improvement or that some of the proposals aren't useful, but let's keep
the baby in the bath.

Wow, I never thought I would be the voice of conservatism.  I suppose I'm
just playing Devil's advocate, or maybe I'm really a grumpy old
stick-in-the-mud ;-)

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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