--- Ramesh Ananthakrishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> beg pardon, but that seems to somehow relate to my idea of making
> Parrot sort of OPen Source VMWare. Cool. Otoh, I don't even have a
> clue how to do it, so does anybody have any ideas about this.
> cheers,
> Ramesh
> -ask

Actually, the idea I am suggesting, is nothing like using parrot as an
opensource vmware... because that is basicly what it already is, but
not running windows or any other operating system on an virtual machine
that represents an i386 processor, not to mention all the other stuff
like the bios, pci bus, isa bus, north-bridge, etc.

The idea is your choosen architecture (alpha, sparc, ix86, ppc, etc...)
boots up and instead of loading an "Operating System", it loads a
platform dependant layer, that in-turn has its own "CPU" and "Memory",
etc... that you write your operating system on.

So if you know anything about operating system design, you will know
about the "Layered" operating system design approch. This does not
imply that your OS must be a layered design. In fact your platform
independant operating system code could be writen in any operating
system paradigm you can yarf up! And also because you are using parrot
as the dependant layer, you could write your os in what ever language
that parrot supports, such as java, c#, cola, pasm, etc...

If designed carefully, using omf or rdoff binary object models, you
could have fully cross-platform binaries! Which also makes the source
code even more cross platform, because there sould be no changes
between different parrot-layers (maybe other than version and

Granted it is dependant on how parrot evolves. So any changes that
happens to parrot, you would have to compensate on your pesudo
operating system. So just going out and making this system right now
wouldn't be a  smart idea. I would probably wait until parrot is a
little more stable!

Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to rant you out, but I am just
trying to get my idea across to you as clear as I can without writing a
book about it!


Bryan Hundven

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