
Most of my nitpicks have been covered by other people :)

Joseph F. Ryan said:
> =head3 Embedding Interpolated Strings
> Note that any end-brackets, "]", must be escaped within the the
> \qq[] construct so that the parser can read it correctly.

This is true regardless of whether the interpolated string is embedded or
not, and so should move to the general discussion about escaping in
interpolated strings.   Hmm... I guess the real issue is that the
b<closing> delimiter is the one that needs escaping, whether that's the
closing delimiter of paired delimiters (c<[> of c<qq[]> for example) or
unpaired delimiters (c<|> of c<qq||>, or even c<"> of c<"string">) .

> =head3 <<>>; expanding a string as a list.
> A set of braces is a special op that evaluates into the list of words
> contained, using whitespace as the delimeter.  It is similar to qw[]
> from perl5, and can be thought of as roughly equivalent to:
> C<< "STRING".split(' ') >>

Hmm... should we mention the rough equivalence, or the technically correct
equivalence (which would be c<< "STRING".split(rx/\s+/) >>).  The answer
to that question is the answer to this question:  what is the scope of
this document?  Is it for newbies (or p5 converts) or is it a language
reference (as I read mentioned somewhere else).

>  Examples:
>     @array = <one two three>; # @array = ('one', 'two', 'three');
>     @array = <one <\> three>; # @array = ('one', '<>', 'three');

@array = <
  a and again
  before beneath beyond

> =head2 Interpolating Constructs
> =head3 C<qx[]>, backticks (C<``>)

  =head3 Executed Interpolated Constructs
  =head3 Executed Constructs

> A string which is (possibly) interpolated and then executed as a system
> command with /bin/sh or its equivalent.

  Strings enclosed in C<qx[]> and C<``> are interpolated and then executed
  as a system command with /bin/sh or its equivalent.  (C<``> are also
  known as backticks.)


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