Damian Conway wrote:
Ken Fox asked:
Is it correct
to think of flattening context as a lexical flattening? i.e.
only terms written with @ are flattened and the types of
the terms can be ignored?
I'm not sure I understand this question.
Sometimes array references behave as arrays, e.g.

  push $array, 1

In flattening context array refs don't flatten, only arrays.
I'm not even sure that only arrays flatten either -- it might
be anything that begins with @. e.g.

  my Point @p;
  ($x, $y) := @p;

If the flattening rule is "only @ symbols flatten" then it
would be lexical flattening -- we only have to look at the
text. (I'm using lexical in the same sense as lexical
variable uses it.)

Multimethods don't belong to any particular class.
Does it *need* to be a method or multimethod???
If C<part> is not a method or multimethod, then it acts
like a reserved word or built-in, like C<grep> or C<map>.
IMHO that's name space pollution.

I know multi-methods don't "belong" to a class. It seems
useful to develop standards on where the implementation
is found though. I would expect to find C<part> as an
auto-loaded multimethod in "perl6/6.0/auto/array/part.al"

It would actually be nice if all the C<push>, C<pop>,
etc. functions became methods, e.g.

  push @array: 1;

Depends on your definition of simpler, I guess.
I don't see anything particularly complex about this:

   my $index = 0;
   for @classifiers {
       return $index if $_.($nextval);

That's understandable and it should produce simple bytecode.
If @classifiers is sparse or non-zero-based, then the .kv
method might be better.

I really think an C<Array::kv> method nicely meets the very common need of
iterating the indices and values of an array in parallel, with a minimum
of syntax and a maximum of maintainability.
Yes, I agree, but it needs to construct a stream generator
which isn't particularly efficient. I was surprised to see it
in a place where the generality and elegance isn't needed.

Thanks for the explanation of the junction. I'm not sure
whether I'm more excited by the possibility to write code
using junctions or more terrified by the certainty of
debugging that code... ;)

And I'm suggesting that C<part>ing is such sweet sorrow that everyone
will want to do it all the time. Or at least often enough that dragging
it in from a module with rapidly become a PITA. Just as it in Perl 5
to use C<List::Utils::reduce> or C<List::Utils::max>.
How about formalizing global namespace pollution with something
like the Usenet news group formation process? Ship Perl 6 with a
very small number of global symbols and let it grow naturally.

- Ken

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