Damian Conway:
# that determine which method is called. Even if you write:
#       my Foo $foo;
#       # and later in the same lexical scope...
#       $foo.bar();
# there's no way at compile time of knowing what class of 
# object $foo contains. It could be a Foo object, or it could 
# be an object of any class that inherits from Foo. So there's 
# no way of knowing which class's C<bar> method to invoke.

Your point being...?  Shouldn't it only dispatch to methods defined in
Foo?  If it's typed as Foo, you shouldn't be using any methods that
aren't in Foo, IMHO.

@roles=map {"Parrot $_"} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

"If you want to propagate an outrageously evil idea, your conclusion
must be brazenly clear, but your proof unintelligible."
    --Ayn Rand, explaining how today's philosophies came to be

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