John Siracusa wrote:
> On 12/12/02 12:55 PM, Larry Wall wrote:
> > As for namespace pollution and classes that use .id in Perl 5, I
> > don't think it's going to be a big problem.  Built-in identifiers
> > do not have a required prefix, but they have an optional prefix,
> > which is C<*>.  I think we can probably parse
> > 
> >   $a.*id == $b.*id
> > 
> > if you really need to get to
> That'll only work out if everyone always writes it as "*id".  
> If not, my Perl 6 objects that override "id()" won't work correctly
> with any other classes or functions that simply call "id" and
> expect it to really be "*id"


So we'll _have_ to write $obj.*id when we mean $obj->UNIVERSAL::id;

I'm not sure I understand what Larry means by "most-global"... Do you mean
outer-most scope, root-of-method-inheritence, or both?

And what of the case we someone does want to explicitly override a "builtin"
method like UNIVERSAL::can? What is the Perl6 equivalent to:

  *UNIVERSAL::can = sub { print qq{hello\n} };
  sub foo {};
  print main->can('foo')";

And what will:


result in?

Larry Wall wrote:
> I'd almost be tempted to argue that if push comes to shove, it's
> the list splat star that gets shoved.

Don't you suspect the list splat will be more common than most-global?

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