On Monday, January 27, 2003, at 01:15  PM, Dave Whipp wrote:
"Michael Lazzaro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
... if such capabilities exist, what are their real names? Can
anyone think of any that are absolute must-haves? Are any of the above
I think that the only must-have is the ability to add these things later.
The size constraints are probably C<but> properties, as is C<locked>. The
exception behavior probably deserves to remain an C<is> property. There are
so many possibilities that we can't expect to have them as built-ins. And I
don't really see any compelling reason for any of the suggestions as a
builtin. Examples of other properties include:
(modulo Damian's correction that it's C<is>, not C<but>, in this case.)

Um, as an aside, I think perhaps I need a(nother, (better)) clarification on which things properties are to be used for, and what class inheritance is to be used for. What's the underlying philosophy here? When should something be a property, vs. a normal behavior of a class?

I would think that 'properties' should be reserved for things that can be applied to all variables, regardless of type, but some of these example 'behaviors' are very specific to Array -- to a particular assumed implementation of an Array, in fact. I would figure those would more likely be attributes of the implementing class.

What's the (stylistic) rules?


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