On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 11:15:26AM -0800, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
> 2) Assume the default value is a simple value, e.g. 'foo'.
>      my @a is Array( default => 'foo' );
>      @a[5] = 'bar';
>      @a[4];     # 'foo'
>      @a[5];     # 'bar'
>      @a[6];     # 'foo'
>      @a[-1];    # 'bar'   *NOTE!*

Um ... why?

> 2a) When a cell is explicitly re-undefined, does the default value take 
> effect?
>      my @a is Array( default => 'foo' ) = (1,2,3);
>      @a[1] = undef;
>      @a[1];         # undef, or 'foo'?
>     STRAWMAN ANSWER: 'foo'.

This makes sense to me.

> 2b) Primitive-typed arrays:  Given the behavior of (2a), and the fact 
> that primitive-typed arrays can't store undef, what happens here?
>      my int @a is Array( default => 5 );
>      @a[0] = 0;
>      @a[0];         # 0, or 5?

0, definitely.  @a[0] was defined so the default doesn't come into

>      @a[0] = undef;
>      @a[0];         # 0, or 5?

5, because undefined things get the default value.

> 3) Can the default value be a closure, based on index location?
>      my @a is Array( default => { $_ ** 2 });
>     STRAWMAN ANSWER: Yes, because it's cool.

Heh.  I'd want different syntax for default values vs. default
generators though.

> 3a) NOTE that closure-based defaults effectively render the array
>     infinite. Therefore -- If the requested index is negative, what
>     happens?
>      @a[-5];
>     STRAWMAN ANSWER: The closure just gets a negative number as
>     the requested index. It's up to you to make it work, if you
>     want it to.

Sounds good to me.

> 3b) Does an "infinite" array still get an exception thrown when trying
>     to access an infinite [Inf] or [-Inf] index?
>     STRAWMAN ANSWER: Yes, it does.

Based on 3a, I'd say that the closure should get Inf (or -Inf) and
do the appropriate thing.  In your example above, Inf**2 would be Inf,
so the closure would return Inf (assuming I've got the Inf math right
and it's not really NaN)

Jonathan Scott Duff

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