--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Mike --
> Thats a lot of metadata. Sounds like maybe the metadata is primary
> and the bytecode is secondary, in which case perhaps what you
> really want is a (metadata) tree decorated with bytecode rather than
> a (bytecode) array decorated with metadata.

Fair enough. good point!

> Of course, the most natural candidate for the metadata would be the
> annotated (file & line, etc.) parse tree, or some approximation to it
> after compilation-related transformations.

OK that sounds fine. My current problems with the graphs of meta-data
are the speed of loading. I would like to use something like what you
are talking about with the mmap. Also, dot.net IL has tons of
meta-data, very very much of it.

> I can imagine a process that loads the tree, and linearizes the
> bytecode with the metadata consisting of backpointers to nodes of
> the tree, either in band as escaped noop-equivalent bytecode or
> out of band in an offset-pointer table.

Sure, a zippper (Reihverschluss ;) concept.

> With a suitable amount of forethought on the tree representation,
> you should be able to have good flexibility while still having enough
> standardization on how tree-emitting compilers represent typical
> debug-related metadata (file, line, etc.) that debuggers and other
> tools could be generic. 

OK. Well the current rdf format that I have is ok, so that brings me
back to the idea of using rdf.... Redland supports a bdb, which also
supports fast loading, but is not platform independant.


James Michael DuPont

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