0. PDD 3 says:

       Holds the continuation for the caller, assuming this sub was
called with callcc. Otherwise NULL. 

   and implies a similar possible absence for P2. How does one ensure
that a PMC register is 'NULL'? One other example language compiler
implies that there is no(t yet) an op for this.

1. Is there a complete example (e.g. multiple lexically nested
subroutines using the full PDD3 calling conventions) of how the pad
operations are intended to be used?

   I've implemented what appears to be appropriate usage based on
examination of t/pmc/sub.t and core_ops.pod, but it is not exhibiting
proper closure behavior - all subs share the same state.

2. Is there interest in additional language implementations for
parrot/languages/, particularly if the language is experimental,
incomplete, and not likely to be of any practical use whatsoever?

Kevin Reid

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