On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 09:51:12AM +1100, Deborah Ariel Pickett wrote:
> That said, I don't know of anything that the C comma operator can do
> that you couldn't equivalently do with a Perl5 C<do> statement:
>   foo() or (do { warn("blah"); next; });   # Yes, it's ugly.

Well, gee, it's not that ugly:

  foo or do { warn "blah"; next };

Stripping off all unneeded parentheses.  C<do> is a little redundant:

  foo or { warn "blah"; next }();

And what if, something like m//, closures based whether they evaluate
on context.  i.e. they I<would> evaluate in void context.  Then we
have completely redundantized the C comma:

  foo or { warn "blah"; next };
  loop ({ $i=0; $j=20 }; $i <= 10 < $j; { $i++; $j-- }) {...}

When it wouldn't evaluate because of context, there's still C<do> and
() to do the trick.

Assuming you can do control flow from within a closure.  Hmm... that
makes me cringe a bit.  Oh, look, you can do it in Perl 5, though.

But I think all of us already agreed that the C comma is not

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