# New Ticket Created by  Leon Brocard 
# Please include the string:  [perl #21588]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=21588 >

Well, it's more of a new file than a patch. I'm aware that we're in a
code freeze, so I don't mind if this doesn't get it right now, but
it'd be nice ;-)

I've attached an example "uniq" implementation in pasm, which takes
options. It's not very fast compared to GNU uniq atm, but hey. I'd
suggest putting this in examples/assembly/ (don't forget the

Cheers, Leon
Leon Brocard.............................http://www.astray.com/

... What if there were no hypothetical questions?

-- attachment  1 ------------------------------------------------------
url: http://rt.perl.org/rt2/attach/53714/40460/cda411/uniq.pasm

# $Id$
# uniq - Remove duplicate lines from a sorted file
#   % ./assemble.pl uniq.pasm -o uniq.pbc
#   % ./parrot uniq.pbc data.txt
#   % ./parrot uniq.pbc -c data.txt
# Takes options and a filename as argument:
# -c
#   Precede each output line with the count of the number of times the
#   line occurred in the input, followed by a single space
# -d
#   Don't output lines that are not repeated in the input
# -u
#   Don't output lines that are repeated in the input
# By Leon Brocard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  set S0, P0[1]
  if S0, SOURCE
  set S0, P0[0]
  print "usage: parrot "
  print S0
  print " [-cdu] filename\n"

  # do some simple option parsing

  ne S0, "-c", NOTC
  set I10, 1 # count mode
  set S0, P0[2]

  ne S0, "-d", NOTD
  set I11, 1 # duplicate mode
  set S0, P0[2]

  ne S0, "-u", GO
  set I12, 1 # unique mode
  set S0, P0[2]

  # S2 is the previous line

  set I1, 1 # count
  # Read the file into S1
  open I0, S0
  readline S2, I0

  readline S1, I0

  eq S1, S2, MATCH

  # different line

  unless I10, NOTC2
  # count mode
  # we go to some lengths to make the count pretty
  set S3, I1
  length I2, S3
  sub I2, 7, I2
  set S3, " "
  repeat S3, S3, I2
  print S3
  print I1
  print " "
  print S2
  branch RESET

  unless I11, NOTD2

  # show duplicates mode
  eq 1, I1, RESET
  print S2
  branch RESET

  unless I12, NOTU2

  # don't show lines that are duplicated mode
  ne 1, I1, RESET
  print S2
  branch RESET


  # default mode
  print S2
  branch RESET

  set I1, 1
  branch LOOP

  inc I1
  # fall through

  set S2, S1
  close I0


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