> On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 11:17:21AM -0700, Luke Palmer wrote:
> >> >    <name(expr)>          # call rule, passing Perl args
> >> >    { .name(expr) }       # same thing.
> >> 
> >> Considering perl can't sanely know how to backtrack into a closure, 
> >> wouldn't  { .name(expr) }  be equal to  <name(expr)>:  instead?
> >
> >Nope.  <name(expr)>: is equivalent to { .name{expr} }: .  It does know
> >how to backtrack into a closure:  it skips right by it (or throws an
> >exception through it... not sure which) and tries again.
> >Hypotheticals make this function properly.
> That sounds very unlikely, and is also contradicted by earlier messages, 
> like: "closures don't normally get control back when backtracked over" 
> -- Larry Wall in http://nntp.x.perl.org/group/perl.perl6.language/10781
> Hypothetical variables make things work right when backtracking *over* a 
> closure, but certainly not *into* one.
> I'm talking about cases like:
> rule foo { a+ }
> rule bar { { .foo } ab }
> my intuition says this equals { [a+]: ab } and hence never matches

Oh, right, sorry.  That was a braino on my part.  That is what I
meant, but I didn't realize that { .name{expr} }: was redundant.  

> >    rule somerule($0) {}
> I meant ofcourse as a method (since rules are just methods if I understood 
> correctly); to do the matching yourself rather than with perl 6 regex.

Ohh.  That has to do with the parse object, which hasn't been covered
yet.  The *signature* is probably just:

    grammar FooBar {
        method somerule() {...}

Where the invocant would be a FooBar, which presumably inherits from
something like ParseObject.

> >> Considering <prop> means "matches a character with property prop", it 
> >> seems to me <!prop> would mean the ZERO-WIDTH assertion "does not match a 
> >> character with property prop", rather than "match a character without 
> >> property prop".
> >
> >Right.  It has to be.  There is no way to implement it in a
> >sufficiently general way otherwise.
> Hence the example of saying \P{prop} becomes <!prop> is wrong; it actually 
> becomes <-prop>, right?

Probably.  Larry might have something different in mind, but what
you've said seems the obvious solution at the moment.

> >> While I'm on the subject.. why not allow <> as the match-always assertion?  
> >> It might conflict with huffman encoding, but I certainly don't think <> 
> >> could ethically mean anything other than this.  And <!> would ofcourse be 
> >> the match-never assertion.
> >
> >You could always use <(1)> and <(0)>, which are more SWIMmy :)
> Ick, ugly; I'd rather use <null> and <!null> than those, but <> and <!> 
> are shorter, and have (to me) fairly obvious meanings.  But it was just a 
> random suggestion; I'm not going to actively try to advocate them if 
> they're not liked :-)

<null> and <!null>, good idea.  I didn't even think of that.  I think
<> and <!> are violating the whole point of introducing <null>:  that
it was unclear what was meant by //, and it's too easy to do.  They're
not quite as bad, but it doesn't seem right.  <null> and <!null> are

(Forgive me for being a little braindead;  it's been a while since
I've read A5)


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