At 9:00 AM -0500 3/20/03, Clinton A. Pierce wrote:
The suggestion was made last week that I try filtering the compiled BASIC stuff through IMCC for performance reasons and whatnot.

The suggestion was also made (by me!) that I could produce a "milestone" binary for Windows for distribution.

Well, my first attempt at all of the above didn't go well. I can't quite fathom how I'm supposed to build IMCC in a Win32 environment without mixing/matching cygwin and MSVC. Parrot builds fine and by-the-book (perl, nmake, nmake test, etc...) and runs against the Activestate Perl distribution just peachy.

IMCC seems to want headers that MSVC++ isn't happy with:

Which we need to fix. I think for 0.0.11/0.1.0 I want to dump the IMCC/parrot difference and just have one single binary.

And it also seems to want (by reading the makefile) bison and flex, neither of which is available in the MSVC Win32 compilation environment.

This is a problem with timestamps, so far as I can tell. Neither bison nor flex are actually needed, as the generated files are checked into CVS. Make just thinks they need to be regenerated.

--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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