--- Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Austin Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --- Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > At 10:44 AM -0800 3/25/03, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
> > > >So, is anyone working on a P6ML, and/or is there any 
> > > >discussion/agreement of what it would entail?
> > > 
> > > I, for one, think it's a great idea, and the thought of altering
> > > perl 6's grammar to make it a functional language is sheer
> genius,
> > > making the concepts behind ML more accessible to folks used to
> > > procedural languages. Darned good idea--I say start right away!
> > 
> > |==============================================[*]|
> >        Sarcasmeter?
> lol -- I think my BS-o-meter just redlined, too....
> But just to make sure I'm not completely clueless on this one, would
> someone give me a clue as to exactly what P6ML is supposed to mean,
> and
> whether or not the original post was intended as humor? No insult
> intended (at least not from me, lol), but ML as in "Markup Language"?
> Or maybe as in the ML programming language (you know, the one used in
> recursion examples), and it was a question of whether it was being
> ported to parrot????
My assumption is that Dan has chosen to deliberately misinterpret the
P6ML as being "P6/ML" -- and that he's all in favor of making P6 more
functional since it will make the parser easier.

Sadly, however, P6ML comes from P6/XML, and so Dan is condemned to
slave away at a grammar which is going to make PL/I look easy, when all
is said and done. (Although I still maintain that Fortran is currently
underrepresented in core, since FORMATs went away. :-)


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