Just checking.. will 'temp' temporize the container (like it does in perl 5) or the value? Both have their pros and cons and could be useful.

Or will it depend on how the temp is used, like:
   temp $foo := $bar;   # temporarily bind $foo to $bar
   temp $foo = $bar;    # temporarily assign the value of $bar to $foo

If so, what will plain 'temp $foo;' do? (I hope temporarily bind to a new variable)

What if you have:
my $foo is MyCoolScalar;
and you want to temporize $foo as a normal scalar? (I guess this touches the issues surrounding localization of tied variables in perl 5)
temp $foo is Scalar; ?

(PS. I'm still working out the details of backtracking, but it's been going slow because I've been preempted by non-perl activities. I do from time to time try to work out some details in my head and then I run into little issues like the one above... to be continued)

Matthijs van Duin  --  May the Forth be with you!

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