If memory serves me right, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> It's possible to just go ahead and do it *all* at runtime, and have 
> no compile time component at all--just a series of "newclass, 
> addparent, addattribute" ops, assuming those are the op names we go 
> with. Classes just get created at code initialization time or 
> something.

That would be cool .. a lot easier to debug this kind of thing , 
especially when you could dump it as imcc and have it constant
evaluated as a bytecode segment (wishful thinking ;)

Question #1 : Are classes allowed to have fields ?
Question #2 : Visibility ?
Question #3 : Static methods ?
Question #4 : Static constructors ?
Question #5 : Destructor semantics ..

Questions #3 & #4 can be emulated and #2 is only optional but #1 & #5 
are of concern .. 

> instantiate a new class you need a chunk of bytecode around.  It's 
> possible that at least some of this is only doable with metadata in 
> bytecode, but the bytecode metadata segments can be easily created on 
> the fly.

Hmm... like compile some imcc on the fly ? 

> Anyone got any feelings or opinions on this, besides "Why yes, I want 
> an object system"? :) Class-based info I may be missing would also be 
> welcome.

"Why who wouldn't ?" 

How would the override of a method happen ? ... would it be purely by
name or would you provide some way to force a method to override 
another of a different name ? .. Ie add a method forcibly over an 
occupied slot ?.

The difference between insanity and genius is measured by success

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