On Wed, 11 Jun 2003, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

> Jonathan Sillito wrote:
> Why not just leave the old behaviour?
> IMHO[1]:
> - Make a new class based on Continuations
> - invokecc and such are based on it


> [1] I don't know too much about all the HL stuff. But anyway, some 
> languages might be quite fine with the current implementation (which 
> seems to be more lightweight, when it just comes to calling a plain 
> subroutine) Have a look at P6Cs usage for exceptions and in regexen 
> code. I know, its not final, but its a working implementation. Some less 
> fancy HL might be just fine with the way how its working currently.
> Or I'm totally wrong here ;-)

Here is another suggestion (I think I mentioned this in another email) we 
could support a few different types of continuations. The simplest 
continuation could be just a saved return address (i.e. an opcode_t*). 
This would be roughly as lightweight as the current implementation, I 
think. What do you think? I am thinking it would be easier to have one 
calling convention then callees know what to expect.

  invokecc .LiteContinuation # or something ...

One more thing Leo (excuse my ignorance) why is there a "stack calling 
convention" in imcc? How does it relate to calling subs via the "calling 

Jonathan Sillito

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