On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 05:49:06PM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
>       I'm looking for comment or suggestions about this new module. It's 
> independent of and complementary to Test::Warn. It tests that your test 
> script didn't emit any warnings. Just add
> use Test::More::None;
> to the top your test script, update your plan (if you've got one) and that's 
> it. You'll get an extra test, executed after your script ends checking 
> whether there were any warnings. If there were you'll get a full run down of 
> them including a stack trace.

Good idea.  Too bad about the plan calculation hackery necesssary. :(

Me? A robot? That's rediculous! For one thing, that doesn't compute at all!

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