Piers Cawley:
Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Exception handlers really strike me as anonymous lexically scoped
> subroutines that get called with just one parameter--the exception
> object.

So, we grab another register for 'current exception continuation'?
Then when code throws an exception it just takes the exception
continuation and if that can't handle the exception it takes *its*
current exception continuation and so on up the exception chain?


I think The Plan (tm) is to attach the exception handler to system stack
frames.  When an exception is thrown, we pop frames off the system stack
until we reach one with an exception handler attached.  This has several

1) It means the system stack is exactly where it should be when we call
the exception handler.

2) It automatically restores outer exception handlers when inner ones go
out of scope.

(Sorry about the formatting--I just reinstalled Windows, and I'm still
settling in here.)


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