> Therefor I propose:
> Remove the integer-valued File-Descriptors. The ParrotIO-objects
> (wrapped in PMCs) are the only way to access IO. The
> standard-descriptors stdin/stdout/stderr can be obtained by new ops
> get_stdin (out PMC)
> get_stdout (out PMC)
> get_stderr (out PMC)
> respectivly the macros
> PIO_STDIN(interpreter);
> PIO_STDOUT(interpreter);
> PIO_STDERR(interpreter);
> If communication with external file-descriptors is necessary then the
> PIO_fdopen function should be used, and the result is again a
> ParrotIO-object.

Nice thoughts and probably the right direction.  I'm a little vague on it's external 
interface though.  What would the PMC interface look like from the PIR level?

        new Px, ParrotIO
        [... open the handle or whatever ...]
        set Ix, Px      # Get the FD number?

What about the other way around for those interfaces which require the programmer to 
give up the file descriptor directly, like ioctl() or fcntl()?

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