> I checked in a fix for something that *may* have fixed this, but I'm 
> not sure as I can't test it out at the moment. Try sync'ing up to CVS 
> and giving it another whirl.

Still no luck.  No luck either in getting a stack trace to the problem.

This may just be a quirk in MSVS.NET.  I can't get the vcdg (debug) version of the 
program to run beyond:  

pmclass NCI {

    void* invoke (void * next) {
        Parrot_csub_t func = (Parrot_csub_t)D2FPTR(PMC_data(SELF));
        func(INTERP, SELF);  // <-- here
        return next;

My guess is that my debugger woes are the result of the JIT stuff.  I think this bug's 
just gonna have to sit open until someone with m4d l33t m5vC h4x0r 5k1llz gets his 
hands on it.

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