Christian Renz wrote:

The easiest way isn't avaialble yet. That is custom dynamically loaded PMCs (classes) representing some functionality.

Hmm... then I think I misunderstood something. I thought PMCs are only used for language-specific data types (e.g. "PerlScalar",

I thought of wxWindows data structures in PMCs. The word "funcionality" was probably misleading.

When Parrot's OO handling is ready, will it use PMC for external
classes (ie. classes in binary form rather than Parrot bytecode) or
something else?

I'm sure that sometimes these can be mixed.

[ gcc backend]
Because my guess was that if such a beast is possible, it's gonna be a
lot of work. After all, Parrot seems to be much more intelligent than
the average CPU out there :).

That for sure is true. PMCs and string registers/functions are very different to an average hardware CPU.


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