Benjamin Goldberg:
# There is indeed a clear need for it -- the values produced by $! (and
# the related $^E) are dual int/string values.

In Perl 5, yes.  However, in Perl 6, $! is set for *all* exceptions, not
just C<errno> errors, so I suspect that this behavior is no longer
appropriate.  (IIRC, C<errno> errors are unthrown exceptions--a normal
exception object sits in $!, but it's never thrown.)

I expect that in Perl 6 after an C<errno> error, $! will be set to an
exception of class X::Errno (or something like it); that class may have
overloaded prefix:+ and prefix:~ operators as necessary.

Perl and Parrot hacker
"Yeah, and my underwear is flame-retardant--that doesn't mean I'm gonna
set myself on fire to prove it."

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