Sorry for the late response, I've been out of town and it took me a while to
catch up on p6i. 

On 7/18/03 8:36 PM, "Joshua Hoblitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> it's got some error identification issues,
This is something I plan to work on more, the regexps that define
sucuess/failure (in aren't robust enough. If anyone has
something better that they have used, let me know and I can include it in
the default configuration.

>> and since it works in a "fetch, build, test, sleep, repeat"
>> mode if something goes horribly wrong the box stops. A cron-style
>> periodic fire-off job might be more robust in the face of things
>> going really wrong.
This is true. I wrote it with the "go, sleep, repeat" mode in order to
support systems without cron (Windows), etc... Maybe I can support both or
use a wrapper script to ensure that it's still running.

> The current implementation seems to crash on me about once a month.
Wow! I was expecting something far less than that.
> Btw - Are there any specific platforms you'd like to see added?
I'd like to see a *BSD box if anyone has one they could use (it's not a
significant drain on the processor as it only runs once every 12 hours and
programs like ccache [] can eliminate/reduce compile times)
it would be great. Also, perhaps once ponie gets underway we can run some
ponie tinderboxen. 
> -J

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