Juergen Boemmels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,

> Some Parrot functions allow a NULL interpreter and some
> don't. Parrot_warn for example fails badly if called with a
> NULL-interpreter, but in config/gen/platform/ansi.c in
> Parrot_floatval_time it is exactly called in this way.

> So what functions should allow for a NULL interpreter, which should
> assert (interpreter != NULL) and which should just asume a non-NULL
> interpreter?

> Parrot_sprintf?
> PIO_eprintf?
> Parrot_warn?

IMHO we just need 2 functions that check for a valid interpreter:


for printing to stderr/stdout during 1st interpreter construction &
destruction if something goes wrong. In all other cases we have an
valid interpreter (or an parent interpreter if any).

> bye
> boe


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