My point is that the CPAN Testers reports for fails have the output of
make test, eg:

... but passes don't:

This is inconsistent and we're throwing information away. I say put it
in all the time.

In the same order (may be I think more important), is to set TEST_VERBOSE=1 as default for cpan tester. I think too as cpan tester and as cpan author that browse ok report can be great.

But there is a serious problem with CPAN test database. There is like 100 000 reports in the CPAN db. Perl 5.8.0 has been 50% more tested than perl-5.6.0, and 150% more than perl-5.003. What will be the futur for this database ?

Too big. Too slow. What do now ? Add more informations without take a look on the size of the database ?


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