
I am writing a parrot compiler back-end for my very own computer language
personality disorder: Comal (see http://www.josvisser.nl/opencomal). I do
this purely for its therapeutical value :-)

Parrot is currently far from finished. A lot of things work really well
but in other corners work is ongoing. For me this means that I run into
parrot limitations and bugs regularly. My understanding of parrot grows
while I address these and try to grok what is going on...

Trying to write a <your language here> to parrot compiler without wanting
to know at least something about the parrot internals is in my opinion
currently not possible. And, actually, I would not want that, because
then I might as well write a Comal to JVM compiler (given that the JVM
is both available and stable). Part of the fun for me is being "involved"
in an open source project like parrot at this stage of the game...


On Tue, Aug 19, 2003 at 02:53:19PM +0200 it came to pass that Line Bie Pedersen wrote:
> Hi there
> In short I'm contemplating using parrot as a backend for MosML.
> I have no experience with parrot and I can see parrot is not a 
> finished project, so before I venture into this I would like some
> comments on my project from somebody with more knowledge of parrot
> than myself. What concerns me most is that parrot is so immature that
> I will have to have an extensive knowledge of the parrot internals - I
> would like to avoid this.
> Any comments on the usability of parrot for languages like ML is very
> welcome.
> PS: Please CC me as I'm not on the list.
> -- 
>     Line Bie Pedersen

La vida no es la que uno vivió, sino la que
recuerda y cómo la recuerda para contarla...
~ Gabriel García Márquez

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