--- Uri Guttman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> "AK" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   AK> Er, I'll assume you have a magic (pun slightly intended) way to
>   AK> decide which files are Zcode?  How will you tell the Zcode
>   AK> from other bytecode noise? I don't see anything particularly
>   AK> obvious in the header contents:
> i see plenty there than can be used to identify a zcode file. it
> take a little work to select a set of interesting fixed offset bytes
> and their normal range of values. then writing the magic detector is
> easy.

So you mean you require the first byte to be a number <=8, and the
pointer to the end of the dictionary has to be less than the size of
file, the flag bits need to have sane values, etc.? Interesting. I
with some work you can do it; it's just that there isn't one magic
number at one particular offset at the beginning of the file.

> also we can have a short script read a normal zcode file and put it
> in a
> special and marked section (using the standard directory stuff) of a
> parrotcode file from which it can be easily loaded and run. in fact
> this
> is a general tool that can wrap any other format code into something
> parrot could load and then invoke the appropriate byte code
> converter.

Sure we can, and it's a tool we might want. I had gotten the impression
that Dan considered having any extra scripts to be cheating. Then
maybe cheating isn't such a bad thing, if it helps get the project

>   AK> I assume having a separate Z-code loader solves the "Z-code has
>   AK> two-byte words" problem? OTOH, that means even more of Parrot
>   AK> functionality we don't get to use.
> it all depends on how the zcode interpreter is built. as others have
> said there are many choices and many overlapping ideas. so i doubt we
> would all agree on the best way to do this. 

What? Disagreement on a mailing list? I'm shocked! Next you'll tell me
there's more than one way to do it!

> the designs range from a total code conversion, load and translate
> zcode into equivilent imcc. this should be the easiest to do as you
> just need to write a code generator for each zcode op. 

This is kind of what I was first thinking, because the first code I
looked at was the Befunge (and, I'll admit it, Ook!) PASM, which does
exactly that.

Though not quite so trivial when one of the opcodes is "restore a saved
game", which you can imagine may include more stuff than, say, the
opcode. (Interestingly, I noticed yesterday that Z's add opcode doesn't
pop two off the top of the stack, like Befunge, but rather takes as
arguments two adding operands followed by a storage variable. Sounds

The other reason this isn't as easy as going straight to C is that I
already have (several minor variations on) working C (open source) code
for all of the opcodes. So, yes, I can copy them to turn them into PIR,
but if I go for the all-opcode route, I could just cut and paste each
opcode's C! Um, maybe. Although that would mean totally ignoring all
Parrot stuff.

> you can fake a stack in imcc using a PMC array or someother

Yup, like Befunge does.

> just have all the zcode stack opcodes use the pmc based stack in the
> translation.  this could be done in pure perl as well and run offline
> to generate imcc code. this would still run directly on parrot but
> its existing set of opcodes

"pure perl as well"? As well as what? I assumed pure Perl translation
from disassembled Zcode to PASM opcodes was what you were writing about

> note that parrot can't directly run zcode because of the 2 byte
> issue. 

Right. I don't know enough about parrotcode to understand why - if you
already have a variable that can be set to 4 or 8, you can't also set
to 2. But I'm sure there's a good reason. (What happens when the
"Insteinium" chip comes out?)

> a real zcode loader would have to read in the zcode (from a
> file or maybe that marked section i mentioned before) and translate
> to legal parrot opcodes in 32 (or 64) bit sizes. then you would need
> to write real code to handle each of the needed parrot opcodes. 

Write or *steal*, but yes.

> i would consider this much more work but it can be truly said that
> parrot is running zcode natively.

Right. Is that our first goal, or our end goal? 

> and of course you can have a mix of the above two. the main system
> will translate simple zcode ops to equivilent short pieces of imcc
> code.  then the heavier duty zcode ops can be written in c and loaded
> on demand. these new codes can be generated by the translator when it
> sees the zcodes that need them.

Well, I plan to first write programs in Inform that generate
valid story files that use only simple opcodes (print, add, et al.)
I guess after I've worked on that for a while, I can decide whether for
the harder Zcode ops I want to do Perl disassembly & translation to PIR
or just call C directly.

> by following that path, you can start with a pure translator (first
> design) and then migrate over to a native interpreter (second design)
> but as incrementally as desired.

Right, what you said.

>   AK> Hm. Well, *do* I want access Parrot's stack? Something to think
>   AK> about if I ever start actually writing code for this project,
>   AK> instead of talking about it.
> well you need a stack somewhere. you can acces parrot internal stacks
> from any parrot ops that you create (in c). regular parrot ops only
> some limited access to those stacks. but you can use your own stacks
> in the registers and with arrays which would mean both parrot ops and
> your own ops would be able to access them.


> hope this clarified the issues,

It definitely did! I think the thing that may make this decision for me
is that I know Perl better than C, and I know that Zcode disassembly is
easy, and can steal from people's PASM translators. So I feel like
that's a place I could get started on the project without too much
difficulty. (Not to mention that I'm currently running on Windows
without a C compiler and know that the Perl code I write will work.
Although this project may have finally inspired me to start using the
other half of my dual boot -- or, more accurately, I spent $12 today to
get RH9 so I can upgrade to an easily installed firewall that I can
to and have a complete dev environment (modulo some rpm updates).)

And I haven't even thought yet about Z objects (PMCs? What kind?), the
dictionary (Can we translate it easily to a Parrot constant code
segment?), and all that header stuff. But I'm itching to actually start
typing stuff, so maybe I'll just jump in headfirst!

> uri

Toda raba (thanks)!


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