The question needs changing. Both versions of is_deeply will give the same 
answer on these tests. I was going to say:

What you need is

package MyOtherString;
use overload 
  '""' => sub { shift->[0] },
  fallback => 1;

sub new {
  my ($class, $val) = @_;
  bless [ $val ], $class;

But actually both versions will still give the identical answers except this 
time they will both say the opposite of what they said for the original 


On Tuesday 09 September 2003 10:52, Tony Bowden wrote:
> There's been a protracted discussion on the code-review mailing list
> about the behaviour of is_deeply in Test::More, which really belongs
> here or p5p.
> For the most part it was sparked by a disagreement about what should
> happen when comparing overloaded objects (but also then impacts on tied
> objects), but has become a more philosophical question about the nature
> of deepness :)
> I won't bore everyone with the details, but I would like to carry out
> a pop quiz.
> Consider the following two classes:
>   package MyString;
>   use overload 
>     '""' => sub { shift->{value} },
>     fallback => 1;
>   sub new {
>     my ($class, $val) = @_;
>     bless { value => $val }, $class;
>   }
> and
>   package MyOtherString;
>   use base 'MyString';
> Now consider two objects of those classes:
>   my $str1 = MyString->new("Cat");
>   my $str2 = MyOtherString->new("Cat");
> We now have two objects which overload to the string "Cat".
> So, should the following tests pass or fail?
> 1) ok $str1 eq $str2;
> 2) is $str1, $str2;
> 3) is_deeply [$str1], [$str2];
> 4) is_deeply $str1, $str2;
> Tony

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