$ parrot examples/assembly/pcre.imc "abcdef12" 'bc(.)([a-z]+)'
abcdef12 =~ /bc(.)([a-z]+)/
ok: 3 from 1 to 6 matched: 'bcdef'
all matched: 'bcdef'
(1) matched: 'd'
(2) matched: 'ef'

pcre.imc dynamically loads libpcre and performs a pattern match on the commandline args given.

As its for sure useful[1] to have pattern matching available, the questions arise:

Do we want PCRE in core?
Should it remain an external library?
If the latter, some wrappers would be handy to simplify matching and extracting results.

[1] I'm thinking of booting the real rule machine for perl6. Other languages are using PCRE directly or at least almost the same regex flavor.

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