# New Ticket Created by  Leopold Toetsch 
# Please include the string:  [perl #24155]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=24155 >

Attached is a patch for easier testing of the new pmc compiler.
It probably requires gnu make, because it currently uses 
ifdef/else/endif to allow switching the old and new pmc compilers.

For now it should be rather simple to adjust these few lines. And 
finally they can go away.

Further changes:
- see the comment in Makefile.in WRT the fin: target
- removed some dependencies on generated pmc_*.h files

Comments welcome

-- attachment  1 ------------------------------------------------------
url: http://rt.perl.org/rt2/attach/65800/49132/410abe/pmc2c-make.patch

--- parrot/classes/pmc2c2.pl    Tue Oct  7 17:40:32 2003
+++ parrot-leo/classes/pmc2c2.pl        Tue Oct  7 18:04:33 2003
@@ -268,6 +268,7 @@
         gen_super_meths($class, $vt);
         my $Dumper = Data::Dumper->new([$class], [qw(class)]);
+        print "Writing $dump\n" if $opt{verbose};
         open PMD, ">$dump" or die "Can't write '$dump";
         print PMD $Dumper->Dump;
         close PMD;
--- parrot/config/gen/makefiles/classes.in      Sat Sep 13 13:40:18 2003
+++ parrot-leo/config/gen/makefiles/classes.in  Tue Oct  7 21:48:36 2003
@@ -18,7 +18,46 @@
 CC = ${cc}
 PERL = ${perl}
+NEW_PMC = 1
+all : $(O_FILES) fin
+# main depends on $(O_FILES)
+# when 1 is recompiled each other is out of data, but not
+# to the rules insided here, so we touch al O_FILES at the
+# end and avoid getting called ever and ever
+       touch $(O_FILES)
+ifdef NEW_PMC
+PMC2CD=$(PERL) pmc2c2.pl --dump --verb
+PMC2CC=$(PERL) pmc2c2.pl --c --verb
+pmc_%.h %.c : %.dump
+       $(PMC2CC) $<
+../vtable.dump: ../vtable.tbl
+       cd .. ; perl classes/pmc2c2.pl --vt
+%.dump : %.pmc ../vtable.dump
+       $(PMC2CD)  $<
 PMC2C=$(PERL) pmc2c.pl
+pmc_%.h %.c : %.pmc
+       $(PMC2C) $<
+.PRECIOUS: %.c %.dump
+%.o : %.c
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) ${cc_o_out}$@ -c $<
--- parrot/config/inter/pmc.pl  Thu Oct  2 14:06:03 2003
+++ parrot-leo/config/inter/pmc.pl      Tue Oct  7 21:39:22 2003
@@ -83,10 +83,7 @@
       my $parent_headers = '';
       $parent_headers .= "pmc_$_.h " foreach (pmc_parents($pmc));
       $pmc_build .= "$pmc.c pmc_$pmc.h: $parent $pmc.pmc\n";
-      $pmc_build .= "\t\$(PMC2C) perlhash.pmc\n" if ($pmc eq 'orderedhash');
-      $pmc_build .= "\t\$(PMC2C) $pmc.pmc\n";
       $pmc_build .= "\n";
-      $pmc_build .= "$pmc\$(O): \$(NONGEN_HEADERS) $parent_headers pmc_$pmc.h\n";
   # build list of libraries for link line in Makefile

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