At 04:15 PM 10/13/2003 -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003, Adam Thomason wrote:

> Hmm, this still fails on AIX, since the guard
> (PARROT_HAS_HEADER_SYSSOCKIO) and the header (sys/socket.h) don't match.
> I don't have sys/sockio.h, but sys/socket.h is required to prevent the
> same sizeof(incomplete type) error that Michael reported.  There's no
> $Config{i_syssocket}, though, so it can't just be changed to
> PARROT_HAS_HEADER_SYSSOCKET, unless sys/socket.h is added to the list of
> in config/auto/  A patch for that and the guard is attached.

Applied, thanks.

Thanks Adam. Sometimes it is good for us to start breaking things because more things get done. :)


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