Here's the scoop:

Metadata for classes is simple. In PIR/assembly, they're noted with

  .class Foo
    .is bar
    .is baz
    .does some_thing
    .member x
    .member y
    .member z

Unless someone tells me that ssalc is horribly obscene in some relatively
common language, and we may still if the translation amuses me

Keywords are simple for the metadata. .class starts the declaration, has a
single parameter the name. Class declarations end with .ssalc. Each .is
defines a parent class, each .does defines an interface the class
supports, and each .member defines a PMC member slot that each object.

If a class is defined in the bytecode, it gets instantiated when the
bytecode is created. (It's a constant class, though like any other class
is mutable at runtime so it's not that constant) There is no difference
between a class created with metadata and one created by executable code

Classes, when instantiated, have a backing namespace that's identical to
the class name.

We will be adding version metadata to the classes, but that's going to be

It's OK for the code that handles PIR and assembly to ignore this for the
moment, at least until the metadata segment is better defined. Which will
be soon, though I'd rather someone else do the bytecode modification as
it's been a long time since I've had my hand in there.

This would be a good time to comment on the metadata, as I'm about to go
finish defining the ops to create classes dynamically and actually finish
the fscking object.c. code to do it.


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