--- Tim Bunce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'll look into SQLite.
> I'd caution against rushing in any particular direction without some
> profiling information to back it up.
> Having said that, I'd strongly recommend switching to Storable first.
> It did have problems but it's now very robust and far, far, faster
> than Data::Dumper+eval. This small change would yield a big gain.
> The next step would be to get some profile information. There's
> little point in doing that first as Data::Dumper+eval will dwarf
> time spent elsewhere.

It's not performance that's killing Devel::Cover when we run tests.  It's that the 
data structure
for the coverage data appears to be built in-memory and it's so huge that I run out of 
memory (and
this is on a machine with a couple of gigs of RAM).

If it's not the data structure being built but instead is the conversion to 
Data::Dumper format,
then ignore what I say :)


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