Hi all,

> - Irresolute (Windows)
>   Fails in compiling jit_cpu.c: with
>   d:\cvsprojects\parrot\src\jit_cpu.c(95) : error C2065: 'RTYPE_COM'
:undeclared identifier
>   hidden a huge bunch of warnings.
>   Does JIT work on windows?
>   Maybe it works if configured with --jitcapable=0
>   BTW: It does make but nmake test and make seems to fail right away.
Just checked into all of this and no, things are not at all good on Win32 -
warnings galore.  It does work with --jitcapable=0, but it used to work
without that.  How long it's been broken I can't say - I have just started
uni, and haven't had as much time as I would have liked to follow things on
parrot.  The errors making JIT fails with include:-

jit_cpu.c(95) : error C2065: 'RTYPE_COM' : undeclared identifier
jit_cpu.c(149) : error C2065: 'EXEC_CALLDISP' : undeclared identifier

The warnings mostly all take this kinda form:-

jit_cpu.c(318) : warning C4305: '=' : truncation from 'const long ' to 'char
jit_cpu.c(319) : warning C4305: '=' : truncation from 'const int ' to 'char

There are also various other warnings of a similar nature in non-JIT stuff
(but not so many) and a few "unreferenced local variable" warnings.

As for tests:-

Failed Test    Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t\src\extend.t    1   256    12    1   8.33%  11
t\src\io.t        2   512    16    2  12.50%  9-10
3 subtests skipped.
Failed 2/9 test scripts, 77.78% okay. 3/59 subtests failed, 94.92% okay.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'F:\Perl\bin\perl.exe' : return code '0xff'

Here's one of them:-

t\src\extend......NOK 11#          got: 'in sub1
# hello in sub2
# back
# back
# '
#     expected: 'in sub1
# back
# hello in sub2
# back
# '

And the others:-

t\src\io..........NOK 9#     Failed test (t\src\io.t at line 242)
#          got: '"temp.file" ">" should have opened
# "temp.file" ">>" should have opened
# "temp.file" "+<" should have opened
# "temp.file" "+>" should have opened
# "does_not_exist" ">>" should have opened
# "does_not_exist" "+<" should have opened
# "does_not_exist" "+>" should have opened
# done
# '
#     expected: 'done
# '
#     Failed test (t\src\io.t at line 293)
t\src\io..........NOK 10#          got: 'should have read "." not ".?2"done
# '
#     expected: 'done
# '

If anyone wants to see all the errors, let me know.  It's kinda long so I
didn't wanna send it straight to the list.

Hope this helps,


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