At 07:51 PM 11/16/2003 -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
At 4:00 PM -0800 11/16/03, Joe Wilson wrote:
Dan Sugalski wrote:
 1) The changes I proposed are going in. We get arg counts for I/S/N
 registers if they're used.

What purpose do these individual I/S/N arg counts serve exactly?

You missed a bit when quoting. This bit, specifically:

Everyone can cope. (You may, if you choose, whine about it for a bit--that's OK, if somewhat unbecoming)

Rather than whining, I'm reworking IMCC so we can support multiple parallel calling conventions and select a specific one by a pragma. We can then do side-by-side benchmarks of the same code and play around without breaking existing high level languages.

Once I'm done you won't even be able to see the calling convention
from IMCC, except in cases where you really want to. (see my last 2 patches)


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