I've run into a couple of issue with library loading which have their origin down inside the IMCC code:

1) External libraries are being loaded at parse time.

Inside of INS() in imcc/parser_util.c, Parrot_load_lib() is called at parse-time when loadlib is encountered. This is causing libraries to be loaded twice (once at parse-time and once at run-time), which is a problem in its own right, but it also just seems like generally the wrong behavior.

2) Code which tries to instantiate a dynamically-loaded PMC fails to parse.

Code such as this:

        loadlib P1, "foo"
        new P0, .Foo

fails to parse, because ".Foo" is being interpreted as a macro. For example:

% ./parrot dynclasses/dynfoo.pasm
error:imcc:unknown macro '.Foo'
in file 'dynclasses/dynfoo.pasm' line 7

The problem seems to be the following code, which interprets ".Blah" as a macro if "Blah" isn't an already-registered type:

imcc/imcc.l line 337:

int type = pmc_type(interp, string_from_cstring(interp, yytext+1, 0));

        if (type > 0) {
            char *buf = malloc(16);
            sprintf(buf, "%d", type);
            valp->s = buf;
            return INTC;
        if (!expand_macro(valp, interp, yytext+1))
            fataly(1, sourcefile, line, "unknown macro '%s'", yytext);

I can't find any definitive docs on the macro syntax, so I don't know if this is pointing out a true ambiguity in the grammar (since dynamically-loaded PMC types won't be known at parse-time, before the library defining them is loaded), or if macro usages are always supposed to have argument-syntax, such as ".Blah()", which would mean that this is just a problem with the parser. There's no example in t/op/macro.t without parentheses, so I'm thinking it's the latter.


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