On Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at 06:38 AM, Simon Cozens wrote:
Given that we've introduced the concept of "if" having a return status:

my $result = if ($a) { $a } else { $b };

Would that then imply that

    sub blah {
      ...              # 1
      return if $a;    # 2
      ...              # 3

...would return $a if $a was true, and fall through to (3) if it was false?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan Sugalski) writes:
Luke Palmer:
That's illegal anyway. Can't chain statement modifiers :-)
Will be able to.

I was under the strong impression that Larry had decided that syntactic ambiguities prevented this from happening. (Now, of course, you will ask me for a cite to the thread, which I can't even begin to find at this point...)


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